The Marvelous Mud House

As I read this book the first time to my kiddos last night, the reminders to be grateful for what we have resonated with me so heavily! I look forward to my boys choosing this book to read before bed, so we can all be reminded how blessed we are and how our blessings reach beyond even our material possessions. The author, April Graney, does such a beautiful job of showing us two different cultures coming together through a missions trip and showing us how both boys (and their families) are forever changed because of their experience!


Until we can take our boys on their first missions trip, I'm excited to read books like this, that give them a little glimpse of other cultures and going to places outside our comfort zone to serve others! I also really love the page at the end with a Bible passage to read and questions we can discuss together as a family! Thanks so much to Ms. Graney and Ms. Massari (illustrator) for creating such a beautiful book that I know will resonate with our whole family for years! 

Thanks for reading about what I'm reading! 


Danielle DayComment
Humble Roots

Humble Roots

First of all, Hannah Anderson has mastered the beautiful imagery of plants, growing, and trees as it relates to humility. Her examples cling to my mind as I read in the early mornings and went about my day. Just as Anderson says in her intro that she didn't realize how much she needed the book until she wrote it, I didn't realize how much I needed this book until I read it! I've been struggling with anxiety over a potential big change, and first chapter starts right into anxiety and stress saying, "I see all of us: blessed beyond measure, but exhausted, anxious, and uncertain nonetheless." Anderson got an amen from me right off the bat! 


This entire book gave me rest for my soul and yet provided challenges regarding the way I think about some factors in my life! It was a refreshing and easy read with depth and so much heart! The author kept me interested through to the end, and I left feeling so full of practical applications for pursuing true peace. 

Thanks for reading about what I'm reading! 






Danielle DayComment
Becoming A Woman of Excellence Book Review

I've done this study before, but it was such a long time ago, I hardly remembered what it covered! But looking through the first few chapters, I am excited to go through it again! I have a 3 year old and a 2 month old, so quiet times to work on studies like this are rare, but when I find time, I love for it to be filled with things that nourish my heart and soul and draw me nearer to the Lord - and this study plays a part in doing just that. The questions lead you to specific passages, and I love that my answers are coming directly from the Word. This helps to confirm the things I'm learning about the Lord and gives me the ability to take what I'm reading and put it into my own words! 

In each chapter of this study (there are 11 total), there is an introduction to the subject, questions that require Bible referencing, an area for personal reflection, and is completed with scripture for memorizing! This study is so complete and contains so many wonderful components, which make it a robust study for anybody to do on their own or in a group setting. 

I look forward to spending many more quiet times studying this book and would recommend it to friends :)

Tyndale provided me a copy of this book in exchange for this review, but all opinions are completely my own. 


Thanks for reading friends! :) 

Danielle DayComment
Inspiring Weekend Read

Only 3 days have passed since I received Hope Heals, and it's already finished! While their story is one of struggle and heartbreak, it is ultimately one of triumph, healing, and hope found only in the Lord. And Katherine and Jay do such a beautiful job of sharing the story in turns - they fill in the blanks for each other and tell the story completely. Reading about the intricacies of their feelings and loss surrounding Katherine's stroke, you feel so intertwined in their story that the book is hard to put down! As the reader journeys with the Wolfs through the stroke and recovery process, you see their great love and reliance on the Father, which is so inspiring and encouraging.

We come to understand more and more deeply that the stories that have the greatest impact are the ones that are hard, painful, gritty, and real - and more often than not, ones we never would have chosen for ourselves. We knew there would likely be more pain ahead for us, but the opportunity to inspire others became a reason to get out of bed in the morning into a world and a life we never could have imagined. (215)

The Wolfs proudly embrace the Lord's direction and calling for them, using this terrible life circumstance to glorify Him! I am excited to pass this book on to friends - it's an encouraging, yet quick read that is sure to bless those who venture to pick it up!

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with my Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

Love reading with you!


Danielle DayComment
Bedtime with Daddy

I adore this sweet bedtime story! It's such a sweet portrayal of a boy and his daddy going through their bedtime routine after a fun day together! The illustrations of the cute baby fox and his father are so cute - bright and vibrant; they really caught my toddler's attention. My son found it especially fun that the baby fox' favorite bedtime story is Daniel and the Lion's Den, because it's also my little man's favorite story!

The quality of this book's cover and pages are wonderful and will certainly last a long time, no matter how many time our little ones read through it! This would be a fun book for a baby shower or 1st birthday gift!

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Thanks for reading!

Danielle DayComment
Cute Bedtime Story

This children's book by Amy Parker is just so sweet for toddlers! My little guy enjoyed Night Night, Mommy and the story it tells of a mommy putting her baby otter to bed! The illustrations are so bright and clear, they really captured my son's attention. Plus the story line of bedtime matches with how we do bedtime at our house, so my son thought that was fun and relatable! I love the addition of prayer time before bed, as most children's nighttime books don't include this special little detail! 

The quality of this book's cover and pages are wonderful and will certainly last a long time, no matter how many time our little ones read through it! This would be a fun book for a baby shower or 1st birthday gift!

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Thanks for reading!

Danielle DayComment
Answer for Nesting Mommas

I have read Sarah Mae’s other 2 book (Longing for Paris and Desperate), and I raved about them both to many people, so I was overjoyed to see this book was releasing soon! The book is laid out so wonderfully - I love how each day begins with a short devotional, followed by a “Mary Challenge” (a short Bible study), and then completes with a “Martha Challenge.” The “Martha Challenges” are relatively short and bite-sized ways to clean your home, but they also sometimes include bonus tips or ways to get your kids involved.

I’m only on the second day of the study, but I am excited to complete the study (and the housework). Really this book couldn’t have come at a better time, since I am 7 ½ months pregnant and entering that nesting phase, this book is the perfect companion to my need to have a clean and orderly house before baby arrives - I’m just praying the cleaning challenges don’t get too vigorous or send me into early labor!

I’m looking forward to finishing and sharing this book with my friends who need an extra boost in making their home feel more life-giving!

Thanks so much for reading!


BEAUTIFUL - everything about this book is so gorgeous! The cover art and texture, the chapter layouts, the challenges...every piece of this book is so well planned out and is extremely pleasing to look at! I wish it wasn’t a book that needed to be slowly consumed over 30 days and rather that I could just read and take in the whole thing at once! Alas, the “Martha Challenges”, which do require actual housework are keeping me thankful for the slow breakdown and day-by-day challenge!


Danielle DayComment
Lack of Depth

The Bachelor and Bachelorette have become a guilty pleasure for me during it’s last 3-4 seasons; however, I’d never heard of Emily Maynard Johnson before picking up this book and didn’t know much about her story and time on the shows. After reading the book, I feel like her story is like many of the other Bachelorettes, looking for love and approval in most of the wrong places. And while Emily recognizes this in herself during her journey and that something was missing from her life, she doesn’t delve into the Word and finding her security and true love in the Lord until the very last chapter. The book seemed to be lacking true depth and was just an overall telling of a very simple story - I just wish there were more details, especially of her walk now with the Lord, her family, and being a mom!

The book itself was an easy read, and I flew threw it within a few days! It’d be a perfect beach read, as it doesn’t require much thought. As much as I love Emily’s story of redemption and salvation, I wish it was more of a focus, so I could feel more confident sharing the book with friends.

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Danielle DayComment
It's Really Not

I’ve been anticipating reading this book for so long! I grew up in the PNW and a few of my college friends hung out with Jeff, so I’ve known about his ministry and his profound insights for a long time before actually getting my hands on something he’s written! And this book did not disappoint - it was so full of truth about Christianity that often gets overlooked or ignored completely.

Each chapter held something I was unaware of or had never thought of before, and the book itself held so many thought-provoking ideas. I so appreciated all of the personal stories Bethke tells to help support his ideas and make his points - they are so real and vulnerable! One of my favorite chapters was on the Sabbath, “The Sabbath command is the fourth command. It looks back on the three about God and looks forward to the last six about how to treat people. It’s the link between honoring God and loving people.” Amen! How much would our Sabbath observance be changed by making it about loving and honoring people in general? Also, in the chapter about the Kingdom being part of our current lives, not something for our future anticipation, I love his explanation that, “Life isn’t about going to heaven when you die, it’s about making heaven true on earth in every facet and level of our relationship with God, others, and self. The Christian life is asking, how can I make what’s true of Jesus and his gospel true in whatever aspect of my life?” This is a question to consider upon waking every morning!

This book is one I’d highly recommend to any of my friends searching for a deeper explanation of what it means to live for Christ!

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Thanks for reading, friends! :)

Danielle DayComment
Inspiring Vision of Home

I’ve read many of Sally Clarkson’s other books including Ministry of Motherhood, Desperate, and Own Your Life and each of these books has encouraged me in different ways along my journey of motherhood. The Life Giving Home, however, encouraged me in a whole new way and ignited inside of me a desire to create a “life giving” home for my family. As my son is turning three, and we have another on the way, I definitely feel like now is the time to begin creating such intentional traditions as the ones outlined in the book. One thing I loved about this book is the intertwining experience of both Sally and her daughter Sarah, who come from two different angles to create a beautiful compilation of ideas and stories on creating family legacy.


I appreciate the warm and totally relatable way the authors write – I feel like I can apply any of their ideas to my own home. The ideas are totally realistic. Reading through this book makes me wish I had grown up in the Clarkson home, which completely inspires me to make sure I apply her suggestions to create this kind of home for my kiddos! My favorite chapters are “A Symphony of Grace,” “January: Creating A Framework for Home,” and “February: A Culture of Love,” – I feel like I gleaned the most practical tips for my family that I can begin implementing immediately. I have yet to order my copy of The Life Giving Home Experience, but I would love to use that tool as an additional way to incorporate Sally and Sarah's tips! I can’t wait to pass this book onto my friends, whether they are mommies or not!


Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.

Thanks for reading friends!


Danielle DayComment
Wonderful Tool for Discipling Women

The Gentle Art of Discipling Women is a wonderful book outlining the methods that the author, Dana Yeakley, has found effective throughout her years of discipling women. I love how the book opens, explaining how important gentleness is in discipling when she says, "This gentleness does not mean we are indifferent to damaging life choices or attitudes of those around us. Nor does it mean we endorse the pervasive victim mentalities present in our culture today that paralyze a woman's growth. But in gentleness, we should show deliberate voluntary kindness and forebearance as we conduct ourselves as disciplers." I also appreciate the distinction Yeakley makes in mentoring versus discipling - it helps set up the purpose of the book and purpose one would meet with a woman to help her growth.

The first part of the book walks you through 4 pillars of being a believer, which I found to be helpful, but not nearly as beneficial or interesting as the second part of the book, where Yeakley details her methods for discipling women. This section helps the reader determine who she should disciple, how to create a program for study, and how to create an atmosphere that best suites the person being discipled. I took several interesting pointers from this section and look forward to connecting with a woman interested in going through discipleship together, and I will refer back to this book when that point does come as I prepare a study and determine who to disciple.

Overall, I think there are several wonderful tips throughout this book that one can take into a discipling relationship, and I'm excited to pass this book on to the Women's Ministry leaders at my church, as I'm sure each of them will be able to glean something from it!

Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.
Thanks for reading friends!


Danielle Day Comment
THE Book for Small Business Moms

I have been following Crystal Paine on her blog,, for a few years now! I always appreciate the new ideas she presents for saving money for my family and always find myself going back to her site for refreshers as financial situations arise. I've never read any of Crystal's books before, and I was expecting more of a book with ideas on ways to bring in additional income by staying at home, as opposed to a book of ideas on how to run a small business as a mom. But, as a small business owner, I LOVED everything she had to say about following your passions and how to incorporate business into that.

I appreciate the inspiration and encouragement in this book, I devoured chapter after chapter and then ended the book wanting to get the small business I already own, but had let fall to the way-side in our cross-country move, up and running in our new city. Crystal's own stories throughout the book really add a lot, making all her steps and instructions practical and relate-able.  I also greatly valued her chapters on giving back - what a revelation for all moms reading to see what a difference they can make outside their homes! If any of my momma friends tell me they are going to start a business - I'll recommend they read this book first :)


I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Thanks for reading!

Danielle Day


Danielle DayComment
Preach It, Sister!

For The Love had me experiencing all the feels! Right from page four (see below), she had me thinking "preach, sister!!" From the beginning, I feel like Jen Hatmaker understood exactly where I was coming from as a wife, mom, friend, and woman. She had me laughing, studying her words, repeating sections of wisdom back to my husband, and sending photos of some of the pages to my best friend, so she could cry with me! Each chapter held a certain comedy or wisdom that I hold dear, but some of my favorites...

Chapter 3 humbled my view of a calling radically, when Hatmaker explains the idea that all of our calling is the same, in reality. How wrapped up we can become in looking for a revelation of our "calling"...For the mom in Haiti who, "entertains none of this. She works hard because she has to. She isn't attempting to discern an elusive calling. She is raising her babies, working for a living, doing the best she can with what she has. [...] Yet she is also worthy of the calling she has received," (21). My every day calling in staying at home and raising my little is just as noble as any other believes calling.

Chapter! My heart was so encouraged to hear these words she's written to her kids, each with their own personalities and tendencies! Reading this just made me want to start documenting all my warm-felt thoughts and feelings toward my little guy, especially as his character is growing! Sometimes it's so easy to see the issues and grind of daily life, that this was just a great reminder to dwell on the beauty of their individuality!

Then Chapter 12 had me crying these unexpected tears (I mean it's a chapter on having fun in marriage, for goodness sakes!) as it just hit so close to home! Part 4, titled "Find best couple friends" is so raw for me, as we just moved far away from our couple best friends! While we're still close in heart, the physical distance makes me realize how much we are missing out on and how intentional we have to be to maintain that relationship! It also revealed in my heart a desire to find Texas Couple Best Friends, so we can have some of these people close to us, but it's hard to make those kinds of connections when you've just moved across the country and your whole community is new!

Thanks Jen for such a beautifully written, humbling, and inspiring book - all your words resonated with me - really, every chapter of this book was my favorite! I can't wait to share it with my girlfriends!


I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.



Danielle DayComment
More To Long For

I loved this book from the moment I started it - there is a sweet mix of practical advice and storytelling! Sarah Mae is somebody whose words I can read and automatically feel at home with, the storytelling makes me feel like I know her personally and make me want to take the ideas from this book to action right away! Her words resonate with me and the questions at the end of each chapter left me with thoughts and dreams of what I'm longing for! The first few chapters of Longing for Paris were lovely to read on how to find a little bit of adventure in the daily grind of life - as a mom who just became a stay at home mom, this is such a timely message for me, it's so easy to think I'll have to wait for adventure until my little guy is grown. Sarah provides some ideas at the end of each chapter which help further the study/ideas you've obtained from the chapter!

Chapter 6 on "Striving to Mother Well" was one of my favorites - her ideas on disciplining and learning/caring for your child's love language, nurturing a child's soul, keeping it simple, and thanking God for them were full of inspiration on how to mother my toddler well! I so appreciate parenting books like this one, where there is no parenting instruction per-say, more just stories of how the author's done it!

I can't wait to pass this book on to other mommy friends! I highly recommend this read!

Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.

Thanks for reading with me, friends!


Danielle DayComment
Illustrations Tell the Story

Jesus Calling for Little Ones is such a sweet compilation of devotions for toddlers! The length of each page is perfect to hold my 2 year old’s attention, and the Bible verse is also a wonderful length to have my son repeat back to me. It’s so sweet to hear a toddler repeating and reciting the Word of God, and this books give us the perfect opportunity to do this together. Each illustration completes the story of the devotion, full of details that I love to discuss with my son; we read the devotion on the page and then point out what we see on the page, which helps us to expand on what we’re reading. For example, on the page that talks about thanking the Lord for all He’s given us and saying blessings, there is an image of a family praying over a meal…and I point out with my son each person praying, how their eyes are closed, hands folded, how they’re at the dinner table, what they’re eating, etc. I look forward to reading and enjoying this book together for a long time!   

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Thanks so much for reading,


Danielle DayComment
Engaging Love

At first glance, this book has a beautiful cover (see below - isn't it though!?), which is why I initially picked it out, I’m not normally one to pick up a romance. The book was hard for me to get into at the beginning, because it seemed like a typical princess story; however, I was drawn to the characters’ authenticity as I read. The story, characters, and romance were all so relatable. I was also drawn into the beautiful love story between Corina and Stephen, I loved reading about their love as the couple learned and grew.

I highly recommend this book – it’s a quick read that will entangle you in the characters’ lives so quickly and keep your attention through the end. I haven’t read any of the other books in the series, but I’m now anxious to catch up on what I’ve been missing out on!

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Thanks so much for reading,


Danielle DayComment
Engaging Devotion and Journaling Prompt

Shauna Niequist has created such a beautiful compilation of devotions! I have read through at least a month of these devotions and each one has resonated so well with me. One of my favorite parts is the question(s) at the bottom of the page…it always leaves me with such a great thought to take throughout my day and also, if I have time, I love to use the questions as journaling prompt. Niequist’s writing and story-telling time is so engaging, and I look forward to my devotion and journaling time every morning.

I am looking forward to journeying through this book until the end of the year.

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Thanks so much for reading,


Danielle DayComment
Beautiful Illustrations

We already love this bedtime story Bible by Diane Stortz. Words to Dream On - Bedtime Bible Stories and Prayers includes the most captivating illustrations. The image colors are so attention-grabbing - I feel like most children's Bibles have pastel illustrations, which make them somewhat dull, but the dark and bright colors featured in this Bible are so pretty! Kuddos to Diane Le Feyer for the beautiful illustrations. 

In addition to the story itself, there is a  "Bedtime Blessing", "Words To Dream On", and a "Sleepy-Time Prayer" for each Bible Story. The "Bedtime Blessings" are one-sentence personal application for the kids. The "Words to Dream On" section is a Bible verse from the story, which can be used as a memory verse. The "Sleepy-Time Prayer" is an adorable prayer, which relates to the story just read. 

My son is only 2, and the actual stories (2-3 pages long) don't quite grab and hold his attention the same way it might an older child, but we still love to breeze over the stories and look at the illustrations together! I am excited to continue reading this book before bed as my son gets older and to make it a part of our bedtime routine. 

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Danielle DayComment

This book is such a fun way for me to get morning snuggles with my active 2 year old! Snuggle Time Devotions That End With a Hug totally captivates his attention with its soft-drawn illustrations - he especially loves pointing out the animals he recognizes, and we make the animal sounds together. I appreciate the rhyming of the Bible stories, the lines flow together so smoothly and make the stories fun to read (and I'm sure fun for my toddler to listen to). The "my snuggle time takeaway" is also short and sweet - so I can read it before son looses his attention. The Bible time activity is sometimes something we can do, but the target age seems to be a little older than two.


I look forward to reading through this devotional several times with my little one! The illustrations, rhyming, activities, and hug-time ending are so special. I'm excited to make this book, and others like it, part of a morning ritual with my son, as he's learning, from a young age, to study the Word of God!


Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.

Danielle DayComment
Challenging and Refreshing

This book was full of great reminders as a wife! I appreciated the collaboration of ideas presented by Erin Smalley, her husband, and her father in law, even if it was sometimes hard to follow who was writing! Her transparency was so refreshing, and the ideas she presents are challenging and great reminders! Although, not all of the ideas were new to me, the compilation was well-presented!


Thanks Tyndale House Publishers for providing a complimentary copy of this book for review.

Danielle DayComment